Friday, 8 May 2015

Friday May 7th 2015

Well Guys, a lot has happened since I last posted - lets see if I can remember all that happened.

Monday - had a visit with Mom - we discussed her fears regarding her cast appointment on Thursday.

Thursday - met Mom at Foothills Hospital cast clinic.  The big day was here!  Mom was brought in by ambulance from Black Diamond.  She was accompanied by two wonderful EMT's.   The first thing that they did - after she had her TIMMIES coffee (priorities you know!) was an xray.  Then Mom was wheeled into the clinic to have the cast (her famous PINK cast) removed.  Yes John, she even saved your comment that was printed on the cast.  Dr. Mercongic came in to see how she was proceeding - and did not give Mom the news that she wanted to hear.  Unfortunately, some of the screws had loosened from the plate; most likely from the minor movements that Mom had been doing, plus the fact that her bones are quite brittle.  It was decided to err on the side of caution and put Mom in another non-weight bearing cast.  The doctor explained to all of us, that she made this decision as she could not in good conscienceness, put mom in a walking cast with her challenge of walking - the fear was that mom would trip and break her leg even worse, or worse yet - break something else (like a hip).  Even though this was not the news Mom wanted to hear, we agreed with the doctor that is would be the best decision.  You will never know the color that she picked this time - Neon Orange!.  Won't lose her in the dark.  This also means that Mom will be staying another four (4) weeks at the Black Diamond Hospital to continue with her physio.  As I said, not the news Mom wanted, but this is the best course of action for her. 

I went out last night to spend some time with Mom and to make sure that she was ok.  I had a good talk with Mom, informed her that the Doctor's decision had nothing to do with Mom and all her hard work; but was made with Mom`s best interest in mind.  When I left last night, Mom was in better spirits and was already counting down the days to the next appointment.

My challenge for the month of May - keeping Mom`s spirits up!



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