Monday, 3 August 2015


Today is August 4th 2015 and it is a bitter sweet day for me.

Mom was finally discharged from Rockyview Hospital on July 22nd 2015 - the only instructions that I got were:  to keep up her physiotherapy, to schedule her next appointment for her x-ray, and to book her into the Parkinsons clinic at the new hospital on Seton Dr.  Her medications are finally under control (there is still talk of decreasing her meds still) but that is down the road.

Mom stayed with me in Calgary as her middle grandson - Pat- was getting married on August 1st 2015 - there were many activities planned for the last week of July that Mom would need to attend.

Her progress has been less than a miracle - mostly due to her strong determination and the Danish blood that seems to show up once in awhile - lesson learnt - DO NOT TICK OFF A DANE - and if you choose not to heed that lesson - DO NOT TICK OFF A DANE WITH A CANE!

Mom has been absolutely wonderful through all of this - and I anticipate, will continue with her progress in Vulcan.

Today - I am taking mom home to the lodge in Vulcan.  Her next trip - August 14th to the 17th - wedding in Winnipeg.

THANK YOU to all of you for your prayers, words of comfort, positive thoughts, and the many visits to Mom during her recovery.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Updated Pictures


Well Guys - today is June 15th - and boy do I have updates to do! (my bad!)
June 4th 2015 ------                  NO CAST!  -----------------

Mom had an appointment at the cast clinic for 9:00 AM - as usual ( she says that she had no control - but you know????) Mom was late.   Apparently the ambulance had to respond to an emergency - personally, I think that Mom was trying to get them to stop at every timmies she could see!

The doctor gave her unbelievably good news - NO CAST - not a walking cast, not an air boot - NOTHING!.  The first thing that mom said was "but I don't have a shoe to wear!"  What, like she was going to do the cha cha down the hallway????

The doctor said that the screws have not moved; everything looked great -she thought that it would be more detrimental to mom to have an air boot on than to leave the foot alone.  Guess she was thinking of Mom and her Parkinson's.  I was the one that cried - she laughed.  Her next visit will be in six weeks - the xray can be taken at the hospital and sent to Dr. Mrcongic to read.  All going well - Mom will not have to return to Foothills ever again.

June 11th 2015 -------------------   GARP ASSESSMENT

This appointment was instigated by Dr Jablonski.  It is a program meant for seniors to help them rebuild the strength in their limbs; to help them deal with their limitations, to have a better live.   The program is very hard to get into - you have to meet several criteria before you can submit an application; you have to have written support from various doctors, physiotherapists, etc.  They only select a few participants for the program.  Mom had her appointment last Thursday.  Needless to say, neither of us had a great sleep the night before. We both agreed that what happens, happens - it was meant to be.

The first procedure is an interview with both Mom and I.  I gave the doctor (Dr. Kwok)  a brief history of Mom and her life, then Dr. Kwok would ask questions of both Mom and I.  The next step was that they (there were three doctors in the interview) took Mom into another room to be assessed ( I would assume tests, etc)

Once the tests were done, and the doctors conferred, we all met back in the first room.  It was here that Dr. Kwok gave us the good news - MOM WAS ACCEPTED INTO THE PROGRAM!.  Apparently, it is an extensive four (4) week program to help mom deal with all the issues that she has.  (Don't they know that it is going to take longer than four weeks - I mean, really, I just touched the tip of the iceberg of all her issues! Just kidding mom  love you!)  The hold up now is waiting for a bed.  Again, I cried and mom just smiled - it wasn't until she got into the ambulance that she cried.

It has been a very long journey - had lots of hills and battles to overcome - but is it a wonderful feeling to know that she FINALLY has a doctor in her corner looking out of Mom's best interest!.
                                            KOODOS TO DR. JABLONSKI and HIS TEAM!

So that is the major updates that I have for you - I still take Mom out on Saturdays for rides (she can now get in and out of the car by herself - what a big girl she is! I can hear mom chastising me from here. and can go into stores if she chooses.  Her spirits, for the most part, are good.  She still has some bad times, but after what she has gone through, she is allowed some "poor me" time.

The target right now is to get Mom into the GARP program and finished with the program by the middle of July - she has too many upcoming events for her to take anymore time.  Hear that mom ???? No more lying around like a princess being waited on hand and foot - time to get up and be active!  (tee hee hee)

My visits with Mom has changed to Tuesday night, Thursday night, and Saturday - when we go for rides.

I should check to see if there are trail rides that she could go on now - I mean, really - she doesn't have a cast on - whats to stop her????

That's all for now - thank you everyone for your positive thoughts and prayers - she would not be where she is today without them.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Friday June 5th 2015

 I had a wonderful visit with mom tonight.

She is quite tired and for some reason, her broken leg hurts!  Gee Mom - do you think that maybe its because for the past eight weeks, it's had the support of a fibreglass cast and now there is NOTHING?  Let, gee leg - get real - now you have to work for a living!

Her spirits are great though - and her leg is still shedding its skin - just like a snake!

I will be seeing her again on Monday.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

God will take care of you - Mom's favorite hymn

  1. Be not dismayed whate’er betide,
    God will take care of you;
    Beneath His wings of love abide,
    God will take care of you.
    • Refrain:
      God will take care of you,
      Through every day, o’er all the way;
      He will take care of you,
      God will take care of you.
  2. Through days of toil when heart doth fail,
    God will take care of you;
    When dangers fierce your path assail,
    God will take care of you.
  3. All you may need He will provide,
    God will take care of you;
    Nothing you ask will be denied,
    God will take care of you.
  4. No matter what may be the test,
    God will take care of you;
    Lean, weary one, upon His breast,
    God will take care of you.

I am your mom


                                                          I am your biggest fan.

                                                           I am your protector.

                                                        I will always defend you.

                                                              I will get angry.

                                                         I will get frustrated.

                                                        I will be proud of you.

                                                      I will be your confidant.

                                                I will love you unconditionally.
                                                     because forever and always,

                                                           I AM YOUR MOM!

Thursday June 4th 2015

             !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     NO CAST         !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no stopping this woman now!

Mom has been given her orders - to use a walker at all times and major physio.

WAY TO GO MOM !!!!!!

I would like to thank all of you for your prayers and positive thoughts - that is what helped Mom to move on in her journey.

                                                  THANK YOU ONE AND ALL

Friday, 8 May 2015

Sue`s Comment on People!